31 Days Toward Overcoming Adversity

Joni Eareckson Tada

176 pages, Hardcover

ISBN: 1590524225


Language: English

Publish: March 1, 2006


Nothing Is Impossible with God

Jesus never said we would be protected from trials and tribulations. So we ask not, What can I do to avoid difficulties? but, How can I best handle them when they arise? Who better to show us the way toward a godly response than Joni Eareckson Tada. Known worldwide for her powerful testimony and how she daily overcomes the adversity of paralysis by drawing near to God, this book now brings together a treasure of her inspirational entries. Thirty-One Days Toward Overcoming Adversity is the second in her devotional series that takes you beyond pat answers, deep into the Word of God. Step by step, day by day, move from “overwhelmed” to “overcoming”…and forever victorious!

Darkness Closes In.

The Winds Howl.

You Remain Unshaken.

When the storm rages and there is no end in sight, how do you survive? Where do you turn, and in whom do you place your trust?

31 Days Toward Overcoming Adversity will guide you not out of the storm, but straight into the eye. Because there in the center is a calm, quiet place where confidence, strength, and even joy can be found.

No stranger to adversity, Joni Eareckson Tada offers daily inspiration that shows you the remarkable in the midst of the impossible. Her thoughtful insights and gentle wisdom will nourish your soul, fill you with hope, and bring you ever closer to the One who never leaves your side.

Story Behind the Book

“In the thirty-seven years I’ve lived as a quadriplegic, I have been forced time and again into the arms of Jesus. Sometimes my paralysis has pushed me down the road to Calvary, like a sheepdog snapping at my heels. Sometimes suffering is like a jackhammer, breaking apart my rocks of resistance and pride. Most often, my wheelchair has dumped me at the foot of the cross, and I have rested there by the overwhelming conviction that I have nowhere else to turn. But that’s okay. In fact, it’s a blessing. It’s all a bruising-of-a-blessing. Because near the cross, in the arms of Jesus, I have discovered deep, sweet, peaceable intimacy with the Savior. It’s an intimacy worth sharing!”

—Joni Eareckson Tada

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