A Guide to the Bible
Antonio Fuentes
262 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 1851820221
Language: English
Publish: June 1, 1987
The Bible continues to be the outstanding bestseller, and no doubt will maintain that position; but that does not mean that it is read as much as it might be or that people find it easy to read. Often this is due to their not having a good overall grasp of what the Bible is, what it is teaching and what it is not teaching, and how its various books fit together. A Guide to the Bible will help Christians become more familiar with God’s revelation and to realize that man is never alone and is never forsaken by God, no matter how much he may have strayed from his way. “This volume of Dr. Fuentes could become a vademecum for every parish priest, retreat master and catechist whether clerical or lay. It would helpfully serve to explain and introduce the Catholic faithful to a more comprehensive grasp and enlightened understanding of the great gift that is the Bible. It would enable the teacher and the homilist to situate the readings used in liturgy. This work would certainly benefit catechetical institutes and be most suitable as required reading for an introduction to Scripture and as a support for whatever particular books of Old and New Testaments are being studied. This is a treasure trove for Bible study groups.” – William J. Kaifer, Homiletic & Pastoral Review “There are many guides to the Bible and this is one of the best.” – Cardinal Owen McCann, Southern Cross