A Soul’s Journey
Peter Richelieu
208 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 0722532911
Language: English
Publish: January 1, 1996
While in a state of despair after the death of his brother, the author is visited by Acharya, an Indian mystic. Using astral projection, Acharya takes him out of the physical world onto the astral planes of the ‘afterlife’. Each astral plane teaches something new about life and death, karma and the ego. Through a series of meetings with the ‘dead’ – including his brother – the author comes to realize how irrational it is to fear death.
Through his teaching, Acharya opens up a whole vision of life in the world that follows this, a world where anything is possible.
Based on notes taken immediately following out-of-body experiences, this book is both enlightening and absorbing. It gives the reader a direct insight into the unknown mysteries of life and death.