Anatomy And Physiology Study Guide for Speech And Hearing

William R. Culbertson

224 pages, Paperback

ISBN: 159756026X


Language: English

Publish: November 18, 2005

This study guide is uniquely designed to complement current introductory textbooks and online courses in speech and hearing anatomy and physiology. Whether taught face-to-face or online, anatomy and physiology courses and their accompanying texts are dense in content. This workbook answers the need for a practical book, being neither unnecessarily complex nor academic, for undergraduate training in speech-language pathology. It is designed to allow students to work at their own pace, to learn how to organize, how to bring together, and how to functionally apply the content learned in their coursework. The Study Guide is organized into seven units. The first unit contains a comprehensive synopsis of anatomy and physiology, including content such as locator terms, planes of reference, and anatomical position, enabling students to learn the vocabulary needed to study anatomy and physiology. The second unit takes a brief look at the basics of cells and tissues to form a foundation for study of larger structures. The remainder of the workbook organizes speech and hearing anatomy into the functional categories of respiration, phonation, articulation, as well as the nervous and auditory systems. Each unit provides an extremely well-written, practical summary of the particular speech and hearing system, followed by learning objectives, specific questions students can answer in outline format, and finally, a self-test. This all-new Study Guide clarifies and simplifies a complex element of the introductory course and provides an ideal complementary learning and self-testing tool for students. Complements all undergraduate textbooks and courses in anatomy and physiology Contains illustrations designed specifically to help the student identify the body parts and functions involved in human speech and hearing. Features a practical easy-to-use design with comprehensive unit-by-unit outlines Provides self-tests and test answers for each unit. Instructor’s manual and free CD-ROM available Contents Introduction Unit 1: Introduction to Anatomy Synopsis of Anatomy and Physiology Objectives and Study Guide Study Outline Self Test Unit 2: Cytology and Histology Synopsis of Cytology and Histology Objectives and Study Guide Study Outline Self Test Unit 3: The Respiratory System Synopsis of the Respiratory System Objectives and Study Guide Study Outline Self Test Unit 4: The Phonatory Mechanism Synopsis of the Phonatory System Objectives and Study Guide Study Outline Self Test Unit 5: The Articulatory Mechanism Synopsis of the Articulatory System Objectives and Study Guide Study Outline Self Test Unit 6: The Nervous System Synopsis of the Nervous System Objectives and Study Guide Study Outline Self Test Unit 7: The Auditory System Synopsis of the Auditory System Objectives and Study Guide Study Outline Self Test Answers to Self Tests Index References and Recommended Readings Instructor’s Manual also available

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