Beyond the Promised Land: The Movement and the Myth

David F. Noble

224 pages, Paperback

ISBN: 1897071019


Language: English

Publish: 1127113200000


Iconoclast David F. Noble traces the evolution and eclipse of the biblical mythology of the Promised Land, the foundational story of Western Culture. Part impassioned manifesto, part masterful survey of opposed philosophical and economic schools, Beyond the Promised Land brings into focus the twisted template of the Western imagination and its faith-based market economy.

From the first recorded versions of “the promise” saga in ancient Babylon, to the Zapatistas’ rejection of promises never kept, Noble explores the connections between Judeo-Christian belief and corporate globalization. Inspiration for activists and students alike.

David Noble is the author of Progress Without People (BTL, 1995) and Digital Diploma Mills (BTL, 2002). He teaches history at York University, Toronto.

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