Birds of Field & Shore: Grassland and Shoreline Birds of Eastern North America

John Eastman

320 pages, Paperback

ISBN: 0811726991


Language: English

Publish: January 1, 2000


“This is one of the most invaluable bird guides to be published in quite some time.” –Booklist “Presented in a readable, easy to follow narrative . . . a well-researched look at the birds and their lives.” –Eirik Blom, Bird Watcher’s Digest Birds of Field and Shore describes how 42 common grassland and shoreline birds nest, mate, and rear their broods in spring; how they feed in summer; whether, how, and where they migrate in fall; and how they survive in winter. This seasonal approach, together with an emphasis on ecological niches, distinguishes Eastman’s books from other field guides. Precise illustration complements informative text, making Birds of Field and Shore an appealing and educational guide for birders of any skill level. Entries are arranged in taxonomic order based on DNA testing. Selected bibliography and index are included.

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