Birdsongs of the Pacific Northwest: A Fieldguide and Audio CD
Martyn Stewart
80 pages, Audio CD
ISBN: 0898868211
Language: English
Publish: 1163491200000
* 165 bird songs on numbered tracks listed on the CD front
* CD tracks correspond to numbered species descriptions in the guidebook
* Field guide provides color illustrations of each Pacific Northwest bird species
* Hard case package with removable softbound guidebook and CD (CD secured in resealable plastic pouch)
What’s that cooing sound coming from deep in the woods? What distinguishes the song of the western bluebird from that of a mountain bluebird? Was that a spotted sandpiper that just ran by you on the beach-and what would it sound like if it spoke to you? You’ll quickly become an expert in identifying birds with the help of Birdsongs of the Pacific Northwest.
The audio compact disc presents high-quality field recordings of the songs and calls of each bird, track-coded for easy access. It covers hawks, owls, woodpeckers, waterfowl, hummingbirds, swallows, wrens, thrushes, wood warblers, finches, sparrows, and more. The companion field guide groups birds by family; each species description includes a common name and scientific name, description of important features, habitat, and
geographic range.
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