Call to Treason

Jeff Rovin

5 pages, Audio CD

ISBN: 0743533429


Language: English

Publish: July 5, 2004


When a short-sighted Congressional committee cuts Op-Center’s budget, the first victim is General Mike Rodgers. But he may not be out of work for long. The dynamic senator Donald Orr is making a run for President as the head of his own third party — and he’s in the market for a strong military advisor. The only problem is that it’s beginning to look like Orr’s presidential run has a body count. And Rodgers must decide whether to jump on the bandwagon or tear it down — with the rest of the Op-Center team…A powerful profile of America’s defense, intelligence, and crisis management technology, Tom Clancy’s Op-Center is the creation of Tom Clancy and Steve Pieczenik — inspiring this and other gripping novels.

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