Camping & Wilderness Survival: The Ultimate Outdoors Book

Paul Tawrell

1080 pages, Paperback

ISBN: 0974082023



Publish: March 1, 2006


“The Ultimate Outdoors Book” with 31 chapters of well researched camping and survival techniques.  This guide covers everything from fire making to first aid, building shelters, winter travel and much more.


“Camping & Wilderness Survival actually lives up to the hype of its subtitle. The Ultimate Outdoors Book is the fullest and finest work in the field since Horace Kephart’s timeless Camping and Woodcraft was published almost a century ago. …I have read voraciously on camping and the outdoors all my life and possess a personal library of several thousand volumes in this field. Tawrell’s Camping & Wilderness Survival is, quite simply, one of the finest works of its sort I have ever encountered.”

– Jim Casada: Special to the News & Record, Greensboro, NC

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