Classic New Hampshire: Preserving the Granite State in Changing Times

Linda Landry

256 pages, Paperback

ISBN: 1584653493


Language: English

Publish: January 1, 2003

New Hampshire is among the fastest-growing states in the country. Firmly enmeshed in the new economy, it is experiencing a profound period of growth and change. While recognizing that change is inevitable and can be positive if managed well, journalist Linda Landry was concerned that many of the institutions and organizations that have made the state unique would be lost or forgotten. As she spoke to people across the state Landry became increasingly disturbed that these stories, these voices, weren’t being captured in a permanent way. Thus began her search for the familiar, the classic New Hampshire.

In fifteen vignettes, based on extensive first-hand interviews, Landry offers a snapshot of New Hamphire’s cultural and business landscape during this time of dramatic change. Among the many institutions profiled are the Deerfield Fair, Mount Washington Hotel, Lake Umbagog National Wildlife Refuge, Story Land, Canterbury Shaker Village, Currier Museum of Art, and the now-defunct New England Marionette Opera. The stories are well-known family businesses with plans to sell out in a few years, nationally recognized organizations struggling with too much growth too quickly, smaller groups staying the course and hoping that it’s the right thing to do. The book provides readers with a direct connection to the state’s historical roots through the voices of the people who are providing the lifeblood of these institutions today and will be into the future.

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