Creation Set Free: The Spirit as Liberator of Nature

Sigurd Bergmann

406 pages, Paperback

ISBN: 080282224X


Language: English

Publish: November 23, 2005

In view of the destruction of the sources of life, ecology is no longer a marginal issue. In “Creation Set Free,” Sigurd Bergmann creatively rethinks the discipline of theology in light of the ecological crisis. He is concerned throughout to see the cosmos as something involved in redemption rather a mere stage for the human salvific drama.After critically and constructively summarizing previous initiatives toward an ecological theology, Bergmann opens up an extraordinary dialogue between these initiatives and church father Gregory of Nazianzus. Through the neglected topics of sociality, motion, suffering, and the Spirit, the author brings to light Gregorybs thought on the liberation of creation. Finally, Bergmann connects ecological issues and patristic tradition with contemporary liberation theology.

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