Critique of Pure Reason

Immanuel Kant

317 pages, Hardcover

ISBN: 3511091608


Language: English

Publish: December 31, 1982


s/t: Concise Text in a New, Faithful, Terminologically Improved Translation Exhibiting the Structure of Kant’s Argument in Thesis & Proof
Kritik der reinen Vernunft (Riga: J. F. Hartknoch, 1781), 856pp. 2nd (B) ed: 1787. A-ed. (Ak.4:5-252); B-ed. (Ak.3:2-552). “Critique of Pure Reason.” Translated by Norman Kemp Smith (Macmillan 1929). Translated by Werner Pluhar (Indianapolis: Hackett 1996). Translated by Paul Guyer & Allen W. Wood in Immanuel Kant, Critique of Pure Reason, edited by Paul Guyer & Allen W. Wood (Cambridge Univ. Press, 1997).
“In the current Easter book fair there will appear a book of mine, entitled Critique of Pure Reason…This book contains the result of all the varied investigations that start from the concepts we debated together under the heading mundi sensibilis & mundi intelligibilis.”—so begins Kant’s letter to Marcus Herz of 5/1/1781 (Ak.10:266).
Kant’s own copy of it was housed at the Staats-& Universitätsbibliothek Königsberg, until lost in 1945. Fortunately his marginalia had already been printed at Ak.23:17-50, as well as in Erdmann [1881]; they’re also included in the Guyer/Wood translation.

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