Debates and Issues in Feminist Research and Pedagogy
Janet Holland
336 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 185359251X
Language: English
Publish: March 1, 1995
The articles in this book engage with practical issues relating to teaching and research. The way in which gender and education is theorized is currently in a period of profound change, and this presents a major challenge to feminist teachers who want to translate explanations for gender relations into transformative action in the classroom. Several of the authors in this collection consider the possibilities and practicalities of transformative feminist pedagogies, identifying the pedagogic moments into which challenge and change can be introduced, without distorting or denying the students’ experience. Another section contains articles which present the results of classroom research, dealing with issues of class, gender, race and sexuality. We can see from the results of these recent studies that class, race and gender continue to position students differently throughout the whole school and the entire curriculum. Research on teacher education reported here indicates that gender differences are produced and reproduced in that context. A final section of the book deals with the ongoing and lively debate on feminist methodology and epistemology, indicating the variety of approaches and positions that are being taken up in this area.