Discourse and Ideology in Nabokov’s Prose

David H.J. Larmour

192 pages, Hardcover

ISBN: 0415286581


Language: English

Publish: May 30, 2002

The prose writings of Vladimir Nabokov form one of the most intriguing oeuvres of the twentieth century. His novels, which include Despair, Lolita and Pale Fire , have been celebrated for their stylistic artistry, their formal complexity, and their unique treatment of themes of memory, exile, loss, and desire.
This collection of essays offers readings of several novels as well as discussions of Nabokov’s exchange of views about literature with Edmund Wilson, and his place in the 1960s and contemporary popular culture.
The volume brings together a diverse group of Nabokovian readers, of widely divergent scholarly backgrounds, interests, and approaches. Together they shift the focus from the manipulative games of author and text to the restless and sometimes resistant reader, and suggest new ways of enjoying these endlessly fascinating texts.

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