Divine Love Song: Discover God’s Passion for You in the Song of Solomon

Elizabeth Mulloy

176 pages, Paperback

ISBN: 0800793315


Language: English

Publish: 1062399600000

Many Christians who live in a sterile, duty-bound relationship with God long to experience his love. They are surprised to find what precious truths abound in the Song of Solomon. And they are amazed to realize that its theme of bridal love is appropriately applied to the relationship of the Lord to each one of us, male or female, single or married. Capturing the lyrical beauty of this greatest of all love songs, Mulloy effectively communicates-through gracious exposition, examples, application questions, and prayers-God’s immeasurable love for every believer. For, as Mulloy explains, each of us yearns to be known and cherished as his irreplaceable treasure. Divine Love Song is designed for individual or group study and is also an effective counseling resource.

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