Dramatic Literature for Children: A Century in Review
Roger L. Bedard
860 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 0876020384
Language: English
Publish: June 1, 2005
An important anthology, the first to trace the evolution of child drama across the last one hundred years in dramatic works and commentary.
Dr. Roger L. Bedard, noted theorist and historian of theatre for young audiences, has updated this classic anthology to offer contemporary perspectives on the growth and development in the field through the twentieth century. Building on the First Edition, published in 1984, Dr. Bedard has selected several new plays and contributed new commentary, including an historical overview which considers the field in the contest of wider social and cultural issues. This Second Edition also includes a bibliography of anthologies of plays for young audiences compiled by Katherine Krzys, Curator of the Child Drama Collection at Arizona State University.
The plays included The Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Birthday of the Infanta by Stuart Walker, The Ghost of Mr. Penny by Rosemary Musil, Rumpelstiltskin by Charlotte Chorpenning, Reynard the Fox by Arthur Fauquez, Androcles and the Lion by Aurand Harris, The Ice Wolf by Joanna Halpert Kraus, Step on a Crack by Suzan L. Zeder, The Arkansaw Bear by Aurand Harris, Jack and the Wonder Beans by Larry Snipes, The Yellow Boat by David Saar, Tomato Plant Girl by Wesley Middleton, Highest Heaven by José Cruz González, The Wrestling Season by Laurie Brooks.