Egypt Before the Pharaohs: The Prehistoric Foundation of Egyptian Civilization

Michael Allen Hoffman

409 pages, Paperback

ISBN: 0292720734


Language: English

Publish: January 1, 1991


From the advent of Paleolithic hunters almost a million years ago to the unification of Upper & Lower Egypt, the author demonstrates that many of the institutions of ancient Egyptian civilization were firmly rooted in prehistoric antecedents. Illustrated.IllustrationsPrefaceIntroductionThe paleolithic age in Egypt, c. 700,000-5500 BCThe predynastic peoples of upper the emergence of the valley tradition, c. 5500-3100 BCThe predynastic peoples of lower the delta tradition, c. 5500-3100 BCPeoples of the the desert tradition, c. 6000-3100 BCFrom prehistory to history, c. 3100-2700 BCBibliographyIndex

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