Ents of Fangorn
Randell E. Doty
48 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 0915795841
Language: English
Publish: 536486400000
ENTS OF FANGORN * 4 FULL-COLOR a 2 page spread of Fangorn, the southern Misty Mountains, and Dunland, plus a 1 page view of the area to the east (including the Wold and Dol Guldur region) and a map of Lorien, which lies to the north. * MAJOR detailed maps of Wellinghall, the Falls of Mist, the Town and Fortress of Tir Limlight, and the Caverns of Pain. * THE ENTS OF powerful tree-herds. * THE BARZ a treacherous band that threatens travels through the Wold.