Facing Me: Breaking the Bonds of Seizure Confinement, a Journey in Faith and Restoration
Stephanie S. Sawyer
108 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 1591295297
Language: English
Publish: January 1, 2002
“There was never the remotest possibility in my mind that I could ever understand, much less attain, a lifestyle free from the bondage of regular seizure invasion. I did not realize I was consumed in an ill mindset. Hope did not exist for me.” In that place of sunken defeat, a new light emerged. A doctor who didn’t believe in defeat offered me an opportunity so seductive I couldn’t turn away. First, I had to believe. He wanted to tamper with my brain. The operation was merely a start. When my doctor released me from his clinic, I was mentally unprepared. I had always been a victim. The surgery set in adult puberty. But more, social consequences failed me and I was forced to fall back on my soul’s core. There I found my calling and my gift. I found me. Soon, with the help of my mentor, I learned, “Believe in yourself.” I was wooed in my faith to places of deep restoration discovered through the course. But underneath, there was a message the entire Hope is ours if we will take it and believe.