
Terri Windling

308 pages, Mass Market Paperback

ISBN: 0441225640


Language: English

Publish: January 1, 1985


1 • A Troll and Two Roses • Patricia A. McKillip
13 • The Thirteenth Fey • Jane Yolen
25 • Lullaby for a Changeling • (1976) • Nicholas Stuart Gray
43 • Brat • (1941) • Theodore Sturgeon
61 • Wild Garlic • William F. Wu
79 • The Stranger • (1978) • Shulamith Oppenheim
85 • Spirit Places • Keith Taylor
99 • The Box of All Possibility • Z. Greenstaff
109 • The Seekers of Dreams • (1963) • Felix Marti-Ibanez
127 • Bridge • Steven R. Boyett
139 • Crowley and the Leprechaun • Gregory Frost
151 • The Antrim Hills • (1976) • Mildred Downey Broxon
173 • The Snow Fairy • M. Lucie Chin
215 • The Five Black Swans • (1973) • Sylvia Townsend Warner
223 • Thomas the Rhymer • poem by Anonymous
227 • Prince Shadowbow • Sheri S. Tepper
239 • The Erlking • (1977) • Angela Carter
247 • The Elphin Knight • poem by Anonymous
251 • Rhian and Garanhir • (1979) • Lin Carter [as Grail Undwin]
257 • The Woodcutter’s Daughter • Alison Uttley
271 • The Famous Flower of Serving Men • poem by Anonymous
275 • Touk’s House • Robin McKinley
299 • The Boy Who Dreamed of Tir na n-Og • (1979) • Michael M. McNamara

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