Finding Myself

Toby Litt

425 pages, Paperback

ISBN: 0141006544


Language: English

Publish: 1072944000000


Dear Friend, How would you like to come–this August–and stay, completely free, in a lovely seaside house I’ve rented? Good food and plenty of alcohol will also be provided, gratis. But (you knew there’d be a but) afterwards you must allow me to write up the events of the month in a semi-fictionalised form. (In other words: you promise not to sue.)

At the end of the book, you will have three full pages to say exactly what you like. If you think I’ve distorted things, told outright lies, etc., you can contradict me. I promise not to interfere editorially with your text in any way. Even if it is terribly libellous of me.

I am inviting ten other people along, as well. Some of them you know; some of them you don’t. I do so hope you can come.



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