
Gary Braver

400 pages, Hardcover

ISBN: 0765302519


Language: English

Publish: 1128150000000


If you could relive your childhood, would you? What if you had no choice?On the thirtieth anniversary of his mothers’ mysterious drowning, Jack Koryan returns to his family beach cottage. During a swim, Jack is attacked by a school of rare jellyfish whose toxic stings put him in a coma for six mths.When he awakens, he finds that the jellyfish toxin has left him with an extraordinary memory that impresses his doctors. This discovery is complicated by flashbacks: some, pleasant childhood vignettes, others, confusing flashes of violence that leave him quaking in horror.Jack wonders if he’s losing his mind, but that fear is dispelled by Rene Ballard, a pharmacologist working on the world’s first cure for Alzheimer’s Disease. She wants to test Jack because the basis of the drug is the very jellyfish toxin that sent Jack into a coma. And, while several test patients have miraculously regained functionality, others are also experiencing dangerous flashback seizures.Ballard’s revelation sets Jack on a quest to discover what is happening to him. He and Rene uncover a sinister pattern of lies and deceit that has left behind a trail of bodies, and several elderly patients stuck in a past that they cannot emerge from–or don’t want to.

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