Flights of Fantasy

Mercedes Lackey

309 pages, Mass Market Paperback

ISBN: 0886778638


Language: English

Publish: December 1, 1999


This is an anthology of eleven fantasy stories, each one revolving around flying creatures, collected and edited by Mercedes Lackey.

Falcons, eagles, hawks, owls…griffins, firebirds, phoenix–real or imaginary, they have fascinated humanity for millennia. These ruthless predators appeared on the walls of Egyptian tombs, in ancient Persian and Indian miniatures, on the illuminated pages of medieval manuscripts, and topped the standards of Roman legions. In literature and mythology raptors abound, from the Native American Thunderbird to the Arabian roc–a bird of prey so large it carried off elephants–to m’lady’s “pet” falcon, a conceit which has no basis in reality. No other animal has so capture the imagination of humankind.

A licensed wild bird rehabilitator, Mercedes Lackey has brought together original stories about fantastic flying creatures by such acclaimed writers as Mike Resnick, Diana Paxson, Lawrence Watt-Evans, and S.M. Sirling, Martin Harry Greenberg, Josepha Sherman, Lawrence Watt-Evans, Samuel C. Conway, Susan Shwartz, Nancy Asire, Jody Lynn Nye.  Mercedes also includes a never-before-published novella of her own.

The tale of Hrafn-bui / Diana Paxson
A question of faith / Josepha Sherman
Taking freedom / S.M. Stirling
A gathering of bones / Ron Collins
Night flight / Lawrence Watt-Evans
A buzzard named Ranibowitz / Mike Resnick
Tweaked in the head / Samuel C. Conway
One wing down / Susan Shwartz
Owl light / Nancy Asire
Eagle’s eye / Jody Lynn Nye
Wide wings / Mercedes Lackey

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