Hank: (La vida de Charles Bukowski)

Neeli Cherkovski

304 pages, Hardcover

ISBN: 843392348X


Language: Spanish; Castilian

Publish: 1145343600000


Los amantes de Bukowski estan de enhorabuena, pues, de la mano de Neeli Cherkovski, podran recorrer la tumultuosa vida del autor, Hank para los amigos, ese enfant terrible de la literatura norteamericana. Esta biografia traza un vivido retrato del creador de Henry Chinaski, su alter ego y protagonista de novelas tan miticas como Cartero, Factotum, Mujeres, La senda del perdedor, y Hollywood. Asi, Cherkovski nos presenta al bardo de perdedores y miserables, al cronista despiadado de Los Angeles, al narrador que carga su pluma con cinismo y rebeldia, habitual de baruchos y de las ventanillas de apuestas de los hipodromos, que mereciera ya una biografia cinematografica firmada por Barbet Schroeder. / This biography traces the life of Henry Chinaskis creator, introducing us to the bard of the miserable and the wretched, the merciless chronicler of Los Angeles, the narrator who carries his pen with cynicism and defiance, to the patron saint of those who drink and of the drinkers who write. We begin with the childhood of this survivor, born into an oppressive family in 1920 in Andernach, Germany. We then experience his adolescence, during which Bukowski suffered the worst case of acne Los Angeles had ever seen, and finally adulthood, characterised by heavy drinking, misogyny, rebelliousness and a rejection of the mainstream.

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