HTML Utopia: Designing Without Tables Using CSS
Rachel Andrew
520 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 0975240277
Language: English
Publish: May 9, 2006
HTML Designing Without Tables Using CSS , 2nd Edition is for web developers looking to create websites using Cascading Style Sheets for layout, which allow for faster page downloads, easier maintenance, faster website redesigns, and better search engine optimization. HTML Utopia covers all aspects of using Cascading Style Sheets in Web Development, and is a must-read for Web Developers designing new sites or upgrading existing ones to use CSS layouts. This book includes one of the most comprehensive CSS2 references on the market. Jeffrey Zeldman, web design guru and co-founder of the Web Standards Project, says “After reading this book, you will not only understand how to use CSS to emulate old-school, table-driven web layouts, you will be creating websites that would be impossible to design using traditional methods”. The second edition of this popular book includes brand new coverage of Internet Explorer 7, Firefox 1.1, new CSS Solutions, and greatly expanded coverage of popular, cross-browser, CSS layout techniques. From The Back Cover
“Now You Too Can Easily Create Modern ‘Table-free’ Websites Using CSS from scratch” Rachel Andrew and Dan Shafer’s book is a comprehensive guide to learning and applying the principles of CSS to your Website. This book will teach you how to