Instant Weddings: From ‘Will You?’ to ‘I Do!’ in Four Months or Less
Jennifer Shawne
144 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 0811836878
Language: English
Publish: 1067673600000
How to pull off a stylish dream wedding when time is of the essence? Answers abound in Instant Weddings , the hip and illustrated handbook for aspiring quicklyweds who want more than a Las Vegas moment. Where most wedding guides emphasize perfection and glamour, Instant Weddings celebrates creativity, ingenuity, and flexibility, proving that you can have your fabulous last-minute cake and eat it too. Handy checklists cut to the chase, condensed timelines keep the couple on the fast track, and practical tips pulled from real-life weddings make for an indispensable resource. For anyone who suspects that a wedding planned in 16 months has nothing on one planned in 16 weeks, Instant Weddings offers instant gratification.