Intrepid Voyagers : Stories of the World’s Most Adventurous Sailors

Tom Lochhaas

352 pages, Paperback

ISBN: 0071388834


Language: English

Publish: 1056438000000


Stories of the World’s Most Adventurous Sailors Edited by Tom Lochhaas As vivid and engrossing as great sea fiction, Intrepid Voyagers captures the real-life adventures of fifteen legendary long-distance sailors–men and women who have sailed to the ends of the earth and returned to write about it. Tania Aebi, Naomi James, Robert Manry, Hugo Vihlen, Val Howells, Bernard Moitessier, and other greats chronicle the joys, fears, sacrifices, and triumphs of life at sea with an immediacy and grace that will resonate with sailors and landlubbers alike.

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