Jake Drake, Class Clown

Andrew Clements

80 pages, Hardcover

ISBN: 0689839219


Language: English

Publish: February 1, 2002


Meet Jake Drake. He’s ten years old and he already has a full-time job. Because that’s how he treats school. Like it’s a job. And his teachers are his bosses. Up until now — fourth grade — Jake has lucked out in the boss department. All of his teachers have been pretty nice. But Jake is about to have the grumpiest teacher yet, and the worst thing is, she’s not even a real teacher. She’s a student teacher. How can Jake make his grumphead student teacher, Miss Bruce, lighten up enough to crack even the littlest smile? Why, by becoming the class clown, that’s how. But will Jake take his new act too far? In this series by the best-selling author of Frindle, The Landry News, The Janitor’s Boy, and The School Story, Jake Drake confronts the problems of school life and finds some surprising solutions.

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