Java Programming 10-Minute Solutions

Mark Watson

400 pages, Paperback

ISBN: 0782142850


Language: English

Publish: 1072771200000


The problems encountered by a beginning Java programmer are many–and mostly minor. The problems you encounter as an experienced Java programmer are far fewer—and far more serious. Java Programming 10-Minute Solutions provides direct solutions to the thorny problems you’re most likely to run up against in your work. Especially when a project entails new techniques or draws you into a realm outside your immediate expertise, potential headaches abound. With this book, a veteran Java programmer saves you both aggravation and—just as important—time. Here are some of the solutions you’ll find inside: Modeled after the straightforward Q&A approach of the DevX website, these in-depth, code-intensive solutions help you past obstacles right now and ultimately make you a smarter, more effective programmer.

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