Jump at de Sun: The Story of Zora Neale Hurston
A.P. Porter
96 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 0876145462
Language: English
Publish: 712652400000
In the all-black town of Eatonville, Florida, Zora Neale Hurston’s mother used to tell her to “jump at de sun.” She wanted Zora to be proud of herself and to do great things. Zora took her mother’s words to heart. But when Zora was thirteen, her mother died. From then on, Zora wandered from job to job and school to school, always just squeaking by. Eventually, as a contributor to the Harlem Renaissance and as an anthropologist, Zora began writing and collecting the kinds of African-American tales she had heard as a child in Eatonville. Zora sparked a revolution in American thought. Her works urged African Americans to be proud of their background and to stop trying to be white. Zora’s stories, plays, and folktale collections have won ongoing acclaim because of their power, vitality, and beauty. In Jump at de Sun, A.P. Porter takes readers on the lonely and exciting road that brought Zora from Eatonville to a place in history.