Life’s Greatest Lesson: The Message Jesus Intended for Us

Dwight Nichols

318 pages, Hardcover

ISBN: 0962406449


Language: English

Publish: August 1, 2002

Learn the truth! The sole purpose for Jesus preaching the gospel — and for the teachings of the saints of the Old Testament — is that we might have peace and joy. If we (as a society) had peace and joy, we would be happy, satisfied, and contented … not wearing our masks, pretending to be. Families would be loving, happy, harmonious, functional, stable, and they would stay together. Our society would be peaceful, safe, and harmonious. Learn the simple secret for being happy. This is it! This will not fail! The secret to finding happiness has been known for about 3,000 years; it’s in the Old Testament. Everybody desires peace and joy and to be happy. Think about what a difference it would make in our lives, our families, and our society if we understood and embodied the secret for being happy. Learn the truth! From the wisdom in a six-word statement in the New Testament, we know the cause of — and the solution to — the problems in the families and in our society; we know the cause of and the solution to the things that trouble us the anger, anxiety, depression, hate, jealousy, stress, disastrous relationships, psychosomatic illnesses … the list goes on. From this six-word statement, we know what would save us. Why aren’t religious teachers making biblical teachings clear? Learn the truth about what would save us, according to what Jesus and the writers of the Old Testament said. Learn the truth about what Satan is and where it is … about heaven and hell, what they are and where they are. Learn the truth about the Truth that sets us free … free from fear and free to love … free to have peace and joy and to be happy, satisfied and contented. Learn the truth! If we believed, understood and embodied the gospel that Jesus preached, we would have no need to resort to therapy, seek help from psychics and astrologers, take antidepressants and tran-quilizers, read self-help books galore … and on and on and on … all in an effort to find peace and joy and to be happy, satisfied, and contented … all made clear in this book.

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