Literature’s Silent Language: Nonverbal Communication
Stephen R. Portch
172 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 0820401722
Language: English
Publish: 504864000000
This book suggests that an understanding of nonverbal communication can be applied to our reading of literature, thus enriching our comprehension of characters, style, and meaning – particularly in the short story.
Its theoretical framework is established by drawing from the diverse research in nonverbal communication in psychology, physi- ology, anthropology, and sociology. A combination of these approaches gives the nine categories applied to the reading of the short stories in this regulators, body clues, adaptors, physical appearance, vocal tones, touch, space, time, and artifacts.
This interdisciplinary approach leads to close readings from a fresh perspective on the following familiar stories from different Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Nathaniel Hawthorne’s «My Kinsman, Major Molineux» and «Young Goodman Brown,» Ernest Hemingway’s «The Killers» and «Hills Like White Elephants,» and Flannery O’Connor’s «Good Country People» and «The Life You Save May Be Your Own.»