Little big man.

Thomas Berger

447 pages, Paperback

ISBN: 0449231836


Language: English

Publish: January 1, 1964


EVERYBODY BUT EVERYBODY IS RAVING ABOUT Little Big Man! HENRY “This Tom Berger can write like the very devil. This is an epic such as Mark Twain might have given us … it’s a delicious, crazy, panoramic enlargement.” H. ALLEN “I can’t remember a novel more salty, more accurate, more amusing than this one. It is pure delight.” R. V. “All of it is good. There isn’t a page that doesn’t deliver something exceptional. The one great mystery is-how in hell did he do it?” HELEN “A story truly of the West, told with wit and lusty humor.” John Barkman from the SAturday Review Syndicate wrote “Funny, Touching, Inordinately clever. .. It contrives to kid the Old West while glorifying it at the same time. . . Thomas Berger, that gifted novelist, commands an impressive array of talents- a robust sense of humor, a deft hand with dialogue, a capacity for creating characters larger than life. . . Crabb is the Superman of the Wild West. He can out-fight, out-smart, out-love, outlive and outdo everybody at everything. . . my salaams to Mr. Berger for dreaming him up.”

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