Maldiciones Sin Quebrantar
Rebecca Julia Brown
160 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 0883683997
Language: Spanish; Castilian
Publish: May 1, 1996
Hoy da, innumerables cristianos en todo el mundo estn llenos de una inexplicable pobreza, de calamidades y de una variedad de circunstancias adversas. Sus vidas estn colmadas de pesares y frustraciones, mientras luchan de manera constante contra poderosas tentaciones, enfermedades fsicas y mentales, y una mirada de sucesos catastrficos. Por lo general, no se han dado cuenta de que esta condicin es el resultado de alguna maldicin sobre ellos y quizs tambin sobre sus familias. Este libro le mostrar los pasos bblicos necesarios para reconocer, prevenir y quebrantar todo tipo de maldicin.Today, countless Christians throughout the world are plagued by unexplained poverty, calamities, and a variety of adverse circumstances. Their lives are tragically filled with heartache and desperation as they continuously struggle against overpowering temptation, physical and mental illness, and a myriad of catastrophic events. Usually they are unaware that their plight is the result of an unbroken curse that has been placed upon them and perhaps upon their families. This book will show you the necessary biblical steps to recognize, prevent, and break every type of curse.