Myofascial Release: The Search for Excellence–A Comprehensive Evaluatory and Treatment Approach
John F. Barnes
245 pages, Ring-bound
ISBN: 1929894007
Language: English
Publish: December 29, 1992
This historic work is thorough with numerous clear and concise illustrations that will guide you to the high level of excellence you strive for in your quest for Mastery. This definitive book represents a culmination of 40 years of experience and points the way to the future of healthcare. This fascinating book will help you to understand Myofascial Release in its evaluation and treatment aspect and show you how to implement Myofascial Release into your current practice. The fascial system surrounds, infuses with, and has the potential to influence every muscle, bone, nerve blood vessel, organ and cell of the body. This book is about treatment of the fascial system. This book offers explanations of how myofascial release works so consistently and effectively; to suggest a new expanded model of how the body functions; to describe the characteristics of the fascial system; and to provide healthcare providers with excellent techniques that will allow them to treat the whole person.