One Child, Two Languages: A Guide for Preschool Educators of Children Learning English As a Second Language
Patton O. Tabors
195 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 155766272X
Language: English
Publish: 852105600000
Written expressly for teachers, this highly readable guide offers the specific techniques needed to facilitate the natural progression of second-language acquisition in young children. Teachers will learn how to create a supportive classroom environment for children learning English as a second language – with effective ways to measure progress, address individual differences, and work with parents – while acknowledging the importance of children’s home languages and cultures. Delivering ideas designed for easy implementation in developmentally appropriate classrooms. One Child, Two Languages combines research findings with firsthand observations of linguistically and culturally diverse children. Early childhood educators will welcome this book as an important resource for making their classrooms responsive to second-language-learning children and their families.