Poèmes, Pièces, Prose: Introduction à l’analyse de textes littéraires français
Peter Schofer
725 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 0195016432
Language: English
Publish: 102240000000
Poèmes, Pièces, Prose is designed to teach introductory students of French literature how to read literary works. Unlike traditional anthologies and books based on explication de texte, the volume is composed primarily of complete texts of substantial length, with questions interspersed to help students read in depth and grasp basic structural relationships. Organized by genre, the volume features a thorough introduction to each genre and a series of textes modèles permitting students to apply the material presented in the introductions.
Authors represented in the volume:
La Poésie: Hugo, Prévert, Verlaine, Ronsard, La Fontaine, Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Valéry, Ponge, Michaux
Le Théâtre: Beckett, Corneille, Molière, Racine, Anouilh, Vian
La Prose: Montaigne, Rousseau, La Bruyère, Proust, Voltaire, Chateaubriand, Stendhal, Balzac, Flaubert, Sartre, Camus, Robbe-Grillet
La Mise en question des genres: Butor: Mobile
The Editors:
Peter Schofer is Professor of French at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. He graduated from Hamilton College and received his Ph.D. from Princeton University. He has also taught at Yale University. Donald Rice is Professor of French at Hamline University. He received his B.A. from the State University of New York at Albany, his M.A. from Middlebury College, and his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin at Madison. William Berg is Professor of French at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. A graduate of Hamilton College, he received his M.A. and Ph.D from Princeton University.