Return Blessings: Ecofeminist Liturgies Renewing the Earth
Diann L. Neu
240 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 0829814868
Language: English
Publish: January 1, 2002
Diann L. Neu’s earliest childhood memories are intertwined with the blessings of the Earth. She grew up interacting passionately with nature and first came to know God through the rhythms of the seasons. She writes, Nature taught me about the Divine and prayer.The book probes the interrelatedness of ecology and feminism. Neu vividly describes how ecofeminism values women and nature and seeks to resist their associated exploitation and domination. Using the framework of the four seasons, she presents sixteen liturgies designed to celebrate the sacred power that originates and emanates from the Earth.Neu prompts readers to reflect on issues of ecojustice and invites participants to pray and work for the healing of the Earth and freeing all creation from the devastation of racism, colonialism, classism, and gender privilege.