Saga of Old City

E. Gary Gygax

352 pages, Paperback

ISBN: 0880382570


Language: English

Publish: March 1, 1999


A beautiful, wondrous city.
A cruel city.
A harsh, pitiless city for a young orphan boy with no money and no friends – but plenty of enemies!

Enter the Old City of Greyhawk, that marvelous place where dreams – and nightmares – come true. Travel through the world of Oerth along with Gord, the boy who becomes a man as he fights for his survival in a world of mysterious wizards, fearsome monsters, dour dwarves, and beautiful women. For Oerth is a world where a man’s eyes always watch the shadows…and a man’s hand is always on the hilt of his dagger.

Here, at last, is adventure enough to last a lifetime – perhaps a very short lifetime!

Libranian’s Note:
This edition has 2 ISBN 10 #’s on the back cover (ISBN 10: 0880382570 and ISBN 10: 0394742753).
It has 1 ISBN on the front cover (ISBN 10: 0394742753).
It has 1 ISBN on the credits page (ISBN 10: 0880382570).

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