Take Each Day One Step at a Time: Poems to Inspire and Encourage the Journey to Recovery

Blue Mountain Arts Collection

64 pages, Hardcover

ISBN: 0883966417


Language: English

Publish: January 1, 1614


“Sometimes the paths we take are long and hard, but those are always the ones that lead to the most beautiful views.” – Collin McCarty Everyone has things about their life they would like to change — problems or habits from the past that they would like to put behind them once and for all. While other books will tell you how to begin your journey to recovery, what to do along the way, and how to maintain your new lifestyle once you get there, this one is simply meant to be a source of comfort and encouragement. This is an inspiring collection of poems and writings that you can always turn to for the incentive to keep going in your quest for a happier and healthier life. It encourages you to take a deeper look inside yourself for the strength and motivation you need. The positive words within these pages offer validation for many of the feelings you may be experiencing; they applaud your courage and commitment and will leave you stronger, more confident, and aware of all the special qualities you possess. More than anything else, TAKE EACH DAY ONE STEP AT A TIME affirms that — with patience, hope, and the support of those close to you — your dream of recovery can, and will, become a reality.

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