The Art and Practice of Family Constellations. Leading Family Constellations as Developed by Bert Hellinger

Bertold Ulsamer

198 pages, Paperback

ISBN: 3896703986


Language: English

Publish: October 20, 2008


Using the systemic family therapy developed by Bert Hellinger, tensions and conflicts within families can be revealed. Through the use of representatives, the person involved can observe the psychic dynamics of his or her own family, and identify the patterns which are destructive. In his book, Bertold Ulsamer explains the basis of family constellations, considers the task and the role of the therapist in the field of subjective experience and objective knowledge. He addresses the use of language and the issue of dealing with emotions. His book is aimed at therapists and others who are interested in the practical applications of the Hellinger therapy.

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