The Bible Lessons Of John Quincy Adams For His Son

Douglas W. Phillips

91 pages, Paperback

ISBN: 1929241224


Language: English

Publish: 980323200000


Edited and Compiled by Doug Phillips Born in 1767, John Quincy Adams entered his country’s service while a mere lad as secretary to the Russian Embassy and remained through life a public servant, filling successively the posts of secretary, ambassador, United States Senator, Secretary of State, President, and finally Representative in Congress. However, all of these remarkable achievements are secondary to his role as father. Though a busy man, Adams made it his priority to study the Bible and to train his son to love God’s Holy Word. His example stands out for all men as a shepherd who loved his family flock. This volume contains nine personal letters of counsel and admonition that he penned to his son while traveling away from home.

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