The Crippled Angel

Sara Douglass

512 pages, Paperback

ISBN: 0765342847


Language: English

Publish: August 1, 2006


The world that the former monk Thomas Neville knows is crumbling about him. The Holy Mother Church of Rome is losing its power over men and Thomas knows that this is not Man’s doing but the work of the demons who have escaped their earthly prison and who are trying to breach the very gates of heaven.

The great archangel Michael has given Thomas the task to find the demons who now dwell in human form and expose their evil natures. To do this Thomas turns on one set of vows and return to his once lofty noble connections. He encounters old friends, a new love, and temptations that will try his conscience. And his very soul.

For Thomas is beginning to think that all that he knows may not be true. Faced with mortal love and friendships that he desperately wants and fears, he knows that time is growing short.

And the choice that he makes will reshape the world.

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