The Crippled Angel

Sara Douglass

544 pages, Paperback

ISBN: 0732265878


Language: English

Publish: October 23, 2002


the battle for mankind’s soul draws to its terrible conclusion – and it is far worse than anything thomas Neville had thought possible. the angels have been scheming for aeons, and they intend to allow neither thomas Neville nor Hal Bolingbroke to spoil their triumph. Where Neville thought to have choice, he finds only despair; where he thought to find love, he finds only the angels’ entrapments. England is reeling under supernatural plagues and treachery-driven rebellions. Bolingbroke must raise his sword against friend and foe alike to save his throne and unite his kingdom behind him. Mary, Bolingbroke’s wife, watches and waits, knowing her husband wants her dead, yet also intuitively understanding that her role in the unfolding drama may well be the strangest of all. Mankind’s fate rests on the outcome of three battles: Agincourt, where Bolingbroke challenges Philip for Catherine and for France; the sacrificial ground before Joan’s pyre, where Neville must choose between his love for Margaret and the will of the angels; and the Field of the Angels itself – Heaven, where Christ watches . . . and waits . . . this final book of the Crucible trilogy demonstrates Sara Douglass’ rich imagination and confirms her place as one of the world’s great storytellers.

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