The Davinci Cult
Peter C. Spencer
314 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 1419634631
Language: English
Publish: 1136102400000
The DaVinci Cult book is an entertaining, yet richly laden expose of the secret society of Asherah and Eve which are a powerful world-wide society which has attempted to conquer mankind for 6,000 years. This book connects the ever-recurring theme of child sacrifice, pyramids, cultic worship groves, Asherah, the Gnostics and astrology to the appearing of the DaVinci Cult. This thesis will prove that earth has been the ultimate political and religious battlefield in a ‘winner take all’ war for the souls of humanity from time immemorial. Satan has used cultic sacrifices and worship in an attempt to rebuild the ‘gateway to heaven’ experienced in the Garden of Eden, while re-empowering the first ‘goddess’ Eve, who joined him in his rebellion against God. Read the stunning evidence that connects this on-going rebellion to Islam, the Anti-Christ and the Whore of Babylon, revealed in a New Testament prophecy hidden in the book of Acts. This is a brilliant five-star rebuttal and historic treatise decoding the cult of the Gnostic Edenic Code.