The Devil on Lammas Night

Susan Howatch

192 pages, Paperback

ISBN: 0751533920


Language: English

Publish: 1138780800000


‘Nicola was sceptical of all fortune-tellers and saw no reason why she should have any special faith in Maris…’Well, if you ever do go to Maris,’ Judy had said with maddening confidence, ‘and if she predicts your future and if she turns out to be dead right, don’t say I didn’t tell you so.’ ‘ Tristan Poole charms people for his own purposes and has installed his ‘Nature Food’ society at Colwyn Court. When Evan Colwyn returns to his family home he finds that sudden illness, accident and death have moved in. And Nicola, who Evan loves has also fallen foul of the faxcinating spell.

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