The Dumont Bride

Terri Brisbin

304 pages, Paperback

ISBN: 0373292341


Language: English

Publish: 1036137600000


Christian Dumont Had Been To Hell To Pay For The Sins of His Father. . .

Now a royal command to wed would restore all he had lost—but at what price? For though marriage to landed, beauteous Emalie Montgomerie seemed to present no hardship, his countess harbored a secret dangerous enough to destroy them both! They were bound by decree, but would they ever find happiness?

Though she held her honor unblemished in her heart, Emalie Montgomerie knew coming unchaste to the bridal bed was a sin unforgivable in a noblewoman. Still, the desire flaring in Christian’s eyes offered her hope…but would the prideful Dumont ever accept another man’s babe as his own?

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