The Elements Of Navigation And Nautical Astronomy: A Text Book Of Navigation And Nautical Astronomy
C.H. Cotter
None pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 0851745431
Language: English
Publish: 694252800000
This new edition includes numerous changes and additions. Various steps involving calculations and procedure have been included in worked out examples particularly in navigational sight calculations.
All calculations are worked out into metric (S.I.) units.
Although the plan of this present book follows closely of the original, the new features include the latest methods of Tidal calculation using 1987 Tide Tables. All information relating to chartwork has been updated. Other new features are the inclusion of a chapter in Satellite Navigation System and Omega. Many new diagrams have been added.
This revised edition and enlarged version provide the basic groundwork for the professional examination for Class I, Class II and Class Ill Certificate of Competency in Navigation and Nautical Astronomy and aimed specially to cadets preparing for B/TEC National Diploma and Higher Diploma in Nautical Science.
This book brings a fresh approach to the study of Navigation, and the emphasis is on the understanding of principles as well as on practical applications. It provides a thoroughly comprehensive and logically arranged scheme of studies in all fields of Navigation and Nautical Astronomy. The book is splendidly produced in large format, and among its attractive features are numerous clear line drawings, a wide range of worked examples and a large number of exercises, making it ideally suitable for classroom tuition as well as for students working independently.