The Gardener’s Guide to Growing Hardy Perennial Orchids

William D. Mathis

104 pages, Paperback

ISBN: 0976533502


Language: English

Publish: January 1, 2005

The Gardener’s Guide to Growing Hardy Perennial Orchids exposes the best kept secret in the gardening world by introducing the reader to many hardy perennial orchids that can be grown almost anywhere in the US including Alaska with a little care and preparation. Many beautiful color photographs are included to tantalize the reader and peak their interest in these beautiful plants. Also, many color illustrations are used to demonstrate bed preparation, planting and other cultural practices. The author divides the discussion into three groups of species – Upland, Transition, and Wetland. Within each group, selected species are discussed in detail with a strong focus on a non-technical presentation of the necessary cultural requirements for these species to survive and thrive in most any garden setting. Some of the principles that are emphasized ? Hardy orchids survive and thrive in temperate and more frigid climates. In fact, some actually require temperatures at or well below freezing for several months each year to maintain proper growth, much like tulips or daffodils. ? The most important requirement for growing this kind of orchid is good soil drainage, which in most cases requires excavation and the addition of premixed soil in a raised bed. Sand or Perlite are key ingredients to achieving good drainage. ? Orchids in general have low nutrient requirements, and do not tolerate lots of fertilizer. In fact, the addition of a good leaf or bark compost to the soil mix usually supplies all the nutrients an orchid needs. The author stresses that while these requirements are relatively easy for most gardeners, terrestrial orchids can not be planted just anywhere and expected to grow. To be successful, it’s absolutely necessary to plan ahead and prepare a site to meet the specific requirements of a species. Learn how to grow Bletilla(Chinese Hardy Orchids), Cypripedium(Lady’s Slipper), Spiranthes (Ladies Tresses), and more hardy orchids

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