The Resilient Physician: Effective Emotional Management for Doctors and Their Medical Organizations

Wayne M. Sotile

288 pages, Paperback

ISBN: 1579472435


Language: English

Publish: 987318000000

This will be a book filled with common-sense advice about how to enhance physician well-being and stress resilience. The authors have developed a model for stress-hardiness they call Effective Emotional Management, or EEM. This model is an amalgam of key points about stress resilience gleaned from research and from clinical experience. EEM moves beyond traditional approaches in that it incorporates strategies for identifying and managing two essential components of stress management” personality-based coping patterns and relationship dynamics. The Resilient Physician will explain how managing emotions is key to personal stress-resilience and to building successful organizations. It will teach physicians how to deal with others effectively and flexibly. And it will teach physicians how to manage their own stress reactions and how to respond to others when they are stressed.

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